When to pick: Our courgettes will be ready to pick from late June through August.
How to pick: We supply plastic bags for picking, however we always encourage you to bring your own plastic bags to reduce plastic use. You can pick any size courgette you fancy, and go for the vegetables that no longer have flowers. Simply snap them off from the plant, and watch out for the fine spikes on the plant.
Ready picked: If picking is not for you then we have a skilled team of professionals in the fields who pick our best every single day. You can find our ready-picked vegetables in the Farm Shop fridges. If you would like to order a large volume of fruit or vegetables for an event, we’ll be happy to help. Please contact us using our contact form or call the shop on 01865 358 309.
What we grow: We grow a variety of courgettes called Ambassador, which are dark green and sweet.