Gladioli PYO is now finished for 2024. Sign up to our newsletter for early offers and crop picking dates.
When to pick: Our gladioli fields open from mid-June until September. We will also sell these colourful stems in the Farm Shop throughout this period.
How to pick: We supply secateurs for a £2 deposit in the farm shop or you can bring your own from home. Pick each individual stem from the bottom of the plant, we recommend picking just as the flowers are opening so you can see the colour. Display in clean water, changing everyday and they should last a week.
Ready picked: If picking is not for you then we have a skilled team of professionals in the fields who pick our best every single day. You can find our ready-picked flowers in the Farm Shop. If you would like to order a large volume of fruit or vegetables for an event, we’ll be happy to help. Please contact us using our contact form or call the shop on 01865 358 309.
What we grow: We grow lots of different colours of gladioli but all are the tall variety in a large range of colours from bold and bright to pretty two-tone pastels.