Help us wage war on plastic waste, and come armed with all of the above next time you visit us. There’s a discount for all fruit picked into your own containers – just weigh and sticker your containers at the scales as you come in.
We will continue to provide the plastic punnets for you to use if you forget yours – we are simply using up the stock we have -and we now sell ready-picked strawberries in cardboard punnets in the shop.
Any container will do for picking fruit into – baskets, tubs, punnets and bowls – but be mindful that raspberries should be picked into very shallow containers to avoid squashing this soft fruit, and strawberries shouldn’t be picked into deep containers for the same reason
Raid your own fridge for fruit picking containers – margarine tubs are good for raspberries, and a Carte D’Or style ice cream tub is perfect for strawberries
Artichokes are best picked into simple carrier bags as they can be a little spiky, and tall rhubarb carried by hand. Bring your own secateurs for artichoke and scissors for snipping our farm grown flowers.
Our milk vending machine dispenses 1 litre at a time; buy a branded glass bottle from us to reuse each visit, or bring any 1 litre bottle from home if you prefer.
Help us wage war on plastic waste!