When to pick: Redcurrants are ready to pick from the end of June and the slightly later varieties follow in July with the picking season continuing until August.
How to pick: We supply punnets for picking, however we encourage you to bring your own plastic containers to reduce plastic use. Lots of small containers for PYO are better than one large one, as soft fruit will easily bruise and squash at the bottom of a deep container. We supply trays to carry all your picking containers on-site. Pick redcurrants on the string, check that the whole string is red then snap them from the plant. The redcurrants will store better this way and can then be removed very easily with a fork when you are ready for cooking.
Ready picked: If picking is not for you then we have a skilled team of professionals in the fields who pick our best every single day. You can find our ready-picked fruit in the Farm Shop fridges. If you would like to order a large volume of fruit or vegetables for an event, we’ll be happy to help. Please contact us using our contact form or call the shop on 01865 358 309.
What we grow: We grow Jonkheer van Tets at Rectory Farm, JVT produces a high yield of tasty redcurrants on each string.